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Cavitation Fat Loss Treatments Explained

Charlie Milz Hair & Beauty • Apr 01, 2021
If the thought of the warmer seasons being around the corner fills you with dread, and the idea of shorter skirts and strappy tops is not top of your summer to-do list, then a course of fat loss Cavitation may be the thing to give you back your body confidence again.

In this guide, we’ll explore what Cavitation, the hotly rated fat loss treatment is, how it works and if it’s worth your money. Spoiler alert: it is.

What is Cavitation?

Cavitation is a highly effective and completely harmless fat loss treatment that uses clinically proven, ultrasound and ultra-radiation technology to heat and vibrate the fat cells beneath your skin. This process then causes the fat to burst and make their way into the body’s own waste methods, either through the lymphatic system, the liver or through general energy burn.

How Does Cavitation work?

Cavitation lipo treatments eliminate unwanted areas of fat by using ultrasound technology to penetrate the skin and destroy fat. These fatty deposits then separate from the cells, where our bodies naturally convert them to protein, fatty acids, and glycerol. Glycerol is an element that is used as energy, so essentially, your body converts the fat to use to energise itself, where it then instinctively expels it from the body. Clever, right?

How Effective is Cavitation?

Lipo Cavitation is a highly effective fat loss treatment, and most people are great candidates for this advanced beauty procedure. Clients can expect to lose a good few pounds of fat and multiple inches from their body. As we say, if you can pinch it, we can get rid of it.

Cavitation is effective because once the area has been treated, the same fat deposits are permanently removed and has been clinically proven to do so.

Benefits of Cavitation

The benefits of Cavitation fat loss treatments are vast. The leading advantages are body sculpting (or contouring) with no recovery or down time and no surgical incision or need for anaesthesia – not even numbing cream. As well as the benefits to the treatment itself, the results are also advantageous; Cavitation reduces stubborn fat deposits in large surface areas of the body and also decreases the appearance of cellulite, deep wrinkles and scars. All can be achieved in just one session that takes less than an hour.

One of the best things about the Cavitation procedure is that there is minimal time needed between treatments. In fact, you can be back on the beauty bed just six days later to really help keep momentum from sessions.

As well as this, even though you may experience some mild redness after your session, this fades quickly and so if you would like Cavitation boost before a holiday, you can be on the beach in no time, as this doesn’t bruise or leave sensitivity like other fat loss treatments.

How is Cavitation Different from Cryolipolysis?

Both are equally innovative fat loss treatments that are a non-invasive and affordable alternative to liposuction, and both Cavitation and Cryolipolysis have one shared goal: fat loss. But how they get results varies. Cavitation’s ultrasound process gently heats the fat cells to the point that they painlessly burst before the body naturally excretes them.

Whereas Cryolipolysis is a fat freezing treatment that focusses its efforts on attacking the fat cells through a slightly different process. Cryo lipo starts by directly supply a hot temperature to increase the blood circulation of the targeted area before blasting the fat cells with freezing temperatures. This then crystalises the fat cells so they die and then they also get naturally removed from the body.

Are the Results from Cavitation Good?

The short answer is simply yes. Results from Cavitation are extremely good, and we are proud to be the leading provider of Ultrasound Cavitation fat loss treatments in Stowmarket.

Because the ultra-radiation technology reduces fat, you’ll see a reduction in your measurements as a biproduct, so if you’re looking to lose inches, particularly in a short space of time, Cavitation results are not just good, they’re great.

More great news about Cavitation is that the treatment produces permanent results. The areas and cells in which Cavitation has treated will not return or regrow.

Is Cavitation Expensive?

Overall, Cavitation is far less expensive than other forms of fat loss procedures, such as surgery. In fact, each session only costs around £70, or a bundle of six for £300 – and results are immediate and permanent. Even if you need multiple sessions, the combined price is still a cost-effective way to remove fat, especially a treatment that is delivered by a highly trained and skilled professional.

A range of packages are available, so speak to one of our advisers about creating a tailored bundle to suit your physical and financial requirements.

View our price list for the cost of cavitation fat loss.

Does Cavitation Actually Work?

We understand that Cavitation ultrasound fat loss treatments are met with sceptical views, but the proof is in the pudding with thousands of people around the world using this as an effective form of weight loss. From celebrities, influencers, and the girl next door, we’re all turning to advanced beauty ‘tweakments’ to enhance our features or modify something that makes us feel self-conscious, and fat loss Cavitation is no different. Does it work? Absolutely. The results speak for themselves.

This treatment is an effective alternative for liposuction, and a quicker route to results than working out, so there’s nothing holding you back from having your dream body with fat Cavitation.

Is Cavitation Better for Cellulite than Cryolipolysis?

Both Cavitation and Cryolipolysis are fantastic, advanced treatment for fat loss in the body. However, they do have slightly different responsibilities; Cryolipolysis is best used for targeted fat loss in smaller and stubborn areas, where Cavitation is better for larger areas of fat in the body, such as stomach or thighs.

For cellulite reduction, we’d recommend Cavitation and Radio Frequency skin treatments. In fact, studies have shown that ultrasound Cavitation is extremely effective at reducing cellulite as once the fat is removed, the skin sees a significant reduction in the appearance of dimples.

Combined with Radio Frequency skin tightening, though, is where the results truly become magic. Think of skin tightening treatments as the cherry on top of the cake. The cake you haven’t had to restrict from in order to lose fat with these treatments.

Where Can I get Cavitation Treatments Near Me?

Finding the right aesthetics clinic for Cavitation is vital to achieving long-lasting results safely. The Charlie Milz Aesthetic Clinic has fully trained practitioners for carrying out fat freezing procedures to the highest standard and have treated countless clients for slimming and sculpting treatments in Stowmarket.

So, if you’re looking for a clean, safe, and professional environment for non-surgical fat loss treatments in Bury St. Edmonds, Ipswich, Needham Market, Stowmarket and the surrounding areas, book your consultation today.

Book an Appointment for Cavitation Fat Loss

Ready to transform your body and book an appointment for Cavitation? You can either give us a call or use our online booking system to choose a day and time that’s suitable for you and your consultation. We can’t wait to meet you and help you feel confident in your body again.

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